Start of the Sheep and Goat Birthing Season: What is the Importance of Separating Pregnant Mothers?

Welcome to a new article where we begin a new series and the most important tips provided by Mawashi Company for farm management in the livestock birthing season in the UAE, where we always strive to provide you with the most important guidelines and directions for animal breeders. In this series, we will talk about a very important topic in the field of raising sheep and goats, which is the birthing season that usually begins with the onset of winter.

With the end of summer and the beginning of winter in the Gulf region, we prepare for the new birthing season for sheep and goats. In this season, we need to take good care of pregnant mothers and newborns. For this purpose, it is preferable to have a special room for mothers and newborns.

Importance of the Birthing Room:

The birthing room, which is a room used when mothers are on the verge of giving birth in the sheep and goat birthing season. The breeder must carefully monitor the mother inside this room, allowing the mother to clean and dry the newborn, and then the newborn begins to try to breastfeed. This room plays an important role in isolating new pregnant mothers from other pregnant mothers, providing a suitable environment for good care of the newborn and mother.

In the first three or four days after the birth of the newborn, the mother and newborn should stay inside the room. After we are sure that the newborn can drink milk well and that his health is good, we can start thinking about receiving other mothers in this room.

Feeding Mothers in Late Pregnancy:

In the last stage of pregnancy, the quantity and concentrated feed for pregnant mothers are increased, as the size of the newborn almost doubles. Mothers need higher amounts of protein and energy. To meet these needs, we can add a third meal to concentrated feed so we are using the separation room.

To provide the necessary energy for pregnant mothers at this stage, we recommend increasing energy sources such as barley or corn. This is to avoid cases of pregnancy poisoning, which occur as a result of energy deficiency. In case of pregnancy poisoning cases appearing in the herd, a simple source of energy like dates can be added.

Adding Vitamins to Pregnant Mothers:

In addition to this, in sheep and goat birthing season in separationn room make us to add doses of calcium and phosphorus are added to feed and water for pregnant mothers. Doses of vitamins (AD3E) can also be added to mothers to ensure fetal health.

With these tips, we aim to secure a new birthing season and maintain health for mothers and newborns. Always remember the importance of good care for your animals and good preparation for birthing season. Stay tuned for our upcoming articles in this series.