Healthy Newborns for Sheep and Goats: A Birthing Season Guide

Welcome, dear breeders. In this post, we will talk about some basic tips on how to effectively care for newborn lambs and goats during the lambing and kidding season. Good care of newborns is vital to ensure their healthy growth. By focusing on some key points, a healthy and sustainable environment can be achieved for newborns and their mothers.

Firstly, it is necessary to prepare a dedicated space in a room for the mothers for the birthing process. This room should be small and equipped to facilitate and monitor the birthing process. This room should provide protection from direct sunlight and cold winds, while maintaining proper ventilation at the same time.

As for effective care for newborns after birth, it is done by taking care of newborn lambs and goats, by making sure they are well cleaned by the mother and that they are able to consume milk normally. Some preventive measures can be taken such as sterilizing the navel and monitoring the excretion process. Newborns should also be encouraged to stand in the first few hours of their lives to ensure their health and strength.

Nutritionally, mothers should have sufficient amounts of feed and clean water to provide the necessary energy during this sensitive period. In addition, attention should be paid to providing the necessary vitamins and minerals for the new newborns to promote their healthy growth. Proper nutrition is one of the most important ways to care for newborn lambs and goats.

Also, it is very important to take good care of the floor in the birthing rooms. In terms of cleaning and renewing the floor regularly by placing sand or straw on the floors to avoid the accumulation of deposits and waste after birth that may lead to the spread of diseases and injuries among newborns as well.

In the end, care should be taken to provide the necessary medical care in cases of postpartum paralysis, and to provide the necessary treatments in consultation with specialized veterinarians. You can contact us or book a farm evaluation visit from here

Adhering to such guidelines helps promote the overall health of the herd and ensure the correct and sustainable growth of newborns. We ultimately always strive to ensure comprehensive and sustainable care for all animals in the herd.